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How corn processing equipment works

Updated:2017-11-22 17:12:54   Author:   Views:
   Corn processing equipment refers to the use of physical methods of processing corn particles, such as by squeeze impact, grinding and other methods of processing corn, corn will not cause chemical composition, molecular structure changes. According to the type of processed products, can be divided into three types of processing: single, double and co-production process, co-production process is recognized as the most reasonable initial processing, the most cost-effective processing methods.
   Corn processing equipment is through the powder, puffing, tabletting and other methods to make the molecular structure of corn flour changes, the formation of a new look, texture, taste and so on, but the chemical composition of corn has not changed. Corn through corn processing equipment, after the first processing and finishing, corn can be labeled as powder,grits, increased maize nutrition, not only have the effect of lowering blood pressure, but also reduce atherosclerosis and brain function decline.